ThermoScientific Orbitrap Elite
Orbitrap Elite system with ESI ion source and an interchangeable nanospray source. The orbitrap Elite is capable of 250,000 resolution and 5 ppm mass accuracy. The instrument is capable of CID (collision induced dissociation), HCD (high collision energy dissociation), and ETD (electron transfer dissociation). The Orbitrap is used of high resolution, high mass accuracy measurements and when coupled with the Easy n-LC II for nano LC-MS-MS. The Orbitrap Elite is primarily dedicated to proteomic analyses. The PAMS facility uses Thermo Scientific Protein Discover 1.4 software along to analyze proteomic data. Protein Discover utilizes either Sequest Database search engine or PAMS in-house MASCOT search engine. To either of these search engines, FASTA files supplied by the researcher can be added otherwise data is searched against the NCBInr or SwissProt databases.
This instrument was funded by NIH grant S10RR028859.